Legal information service at Montreal Municipal Court
You've received a traffic ticket and don't know what to do next?
You've received a summons from the Municipal Court for a criminal or penal hearing?
You'd like to know the nature of the offence you've been charged with?
The Young Bar of Montreal (YBM) offers a pro bono legal information service at the Montreal's municipal court, the SIJ, to improve access to justice and a good administration of justice.
What is the SIJ?
The aim of this project is to provide ad hoc assistance to unrepresented litigants before the Montréal's Municipal Court, in high-impact criminal or penal cases (e.g. hit-and-run offences, speeding tickets, etc.).
Consultations take place in the morning, Monday to Friday, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in room 1.310 of the Municipal Court.
Depending on what the judge feels needs to be clarified, the information given can cover a wide range of subjects:
- The nature of the charge;
- Explanation of the judicial process;
- The consequences of a guilty plea;
- etc.