Mission and values

The Young Bar of Montreal (YBM) is a non-profit organization founded in 1898, grouping together lawyers with 10 years of practice or less who are members of the Montreal section of the Quebec Bar, representing more than 6,000 members. It is governed by a Board of Directors made up of 15 lawyers who volunteer their time to ensure the pursuit of its objectives, in collaboration with its committees, an executive management team and over a hundred volunteers. A Board of Governors made up of eminent members of the legal profession and the business world also acts as the YBM's Advisory Committee.
The YBM has a dual mission.
- On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members.
- On the other, it aims to improve access to justice by providing legal advice and information on a pro bono basis.
- We believe in the importance of maintaining privileged and transparent contact with our members, by maintaining reciprocal, clear, constant and inclusive communication. We ensure that all information of interest to our members is communicated in a timely manner via our various platforms.
- We collaborate on social and technological initiatives, demonstrating creativity and suggesting bold, innovative ideas to inspire change. The YBM aims to be a leader in the legal profession, and we encourage our members to show initiative.
- We are an organization in solidarity with and through our members. The YBM is a unifying force that ensures its members feel challenged and connected. We actively respond to the varied and evolving needs of members and litigants, respecting and recognizing their diversity.