
Appointment of the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien as a Judge of the Superior Court of Québec
The Young Bar Association of Montreal (" JBM ") welcomes the appointment of the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien as a judge of the Superior Court of Quebec.
The JBM would like to congratulate the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien on his exceptional career, his involvement and his contribution to the practice of criminal and penal law. Whether as a lecturer at McGill University, co-author of criminal law doctrine, or member of boards of directors in social and legal circles, his well-established career in the legal community is all the more impressive. A member of the Bar for 12 years, the Honourable Bien-Aimé Bastien received the 2018 JBM Lawyer of the Year award in the Criminal Law category.
This nomination is even more noteworthy considering that the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien becomes the only black male judge appointed to the Quebec Superior Court. On March 2, 2022, the Honourable Daniel Dortélus, who was retiring as the only black male judge in the entire Quebec judiciary, unequivocally denounced the lack of diversity in the Quebec judiciary.
This appointment and the career of the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien are models to follow for the legal community, which is keen to promote inclusive justice for all litigants and to ensure better representation of members of the black community within its ranks.
Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the JBM's values, and in 2021 the JBM adopted a Declaration on Ethnocultural Diversity. One of the commitments set out in this Declaration is to make diversity and inclusion, particularly within the legal community, one of the JBM's priorities. In this regard, the JBM salutes the appointment and exemplary career of the Honourable Alexandre Bien-Aimé Bastien.
About the JBM
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less.
5,000 members, representing one-third of the lawyers called to the Montreal Bar. It is therefore
one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city.
city alone. Its mission is twofold. First, it defends and promotes the interests of its members.
members. On the other hand, it provides legal information services to the public on a pro bono basis.
and offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice.
In August 2021, the association was awarded the Lieutenant-Governor's Medal for Exceptional Merit.
exceptional merit, "in recognition of the remarkable dynamism shown by [its] members
in the ongoing pursuit of collective well-being". To find out more about our commitments
please visit the Public Services section of our website: http: //
Press contact
Adam Alaoui | Communications and Public Relations Manager
514 954-6936 | |