Calendar of events

SOS clientele in distress: Strategies drawn from practice at the Justice Centre
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Wednesday 16 October 2024
- 14:00
(GMT -4)
Registration deadline : 17th October
Online event
Registration closed
Sworn in 2018, Me David Searle specializes in civil law, litigation, leasing and consumer law. Since 2026, Me Searle has worked at the Centre de justice de proximité du Grand Montréal, where he assists and advises citizens.
A dedicated volunteer at the JBM, Me David Searle is actively involved in the LRC blog, sharing his expertise and commitment to the next generation of lawyers.

Estelle Drouin-Touchette was admitted to the Quebec Bar in 2020 and began her private practice, focusing mainly on family law.She quickly reoriented her practice towards access to justice and legal education with the Centre de justice de proximité du Grand Montréal.