SPA - Décision rendue par la direction de l'IVAC
This free of charge service allows you to meet with a volunteer lawyer for a period of forty five minutes, and receive information on how to prepare your brief and what to expect at your hearing before the Tribunal administratif du Québec for cases challenging a decision rendered by the Direction de l'indemnisation des victimes d'actes criminels (IVAC). This service is available only to unrepresented parties in cases challenging a decision rendered by the Direction de l'indemnisation des victimes d'actes criminels (IVAC) and who have received a notice to this effect from the Tribunal administratif du Québec.
Important meeting information
- Given the fact that places are limited, meetings are held by appointment only.
- Meetings are held by telephone from Monday to Friday between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm.
- You must ensure that you have all the documents in your file with you. The volunteer lawyer will not have your file in his or her possession.
- No appointments are given if you do not have a hearing date.
IMPORTANT: No legal advice will be given at these meetings. The lawyer will help you organize your presentation, but will not provide you with arguments to make during the presentation, nor will he or she give an opinion on your chances of success.
- For further information, please consult the Tribunal administratif du Québec website..
- Online filing is now possible to challenge the vast majority of government decisions covered by the Tribunal.

For further information, please contact the YBM by telephone at 514.954.3487 or by e-mail at