
27th JBM Father's House Dinner!
On February 21, the JBM Pro Bono Legal Services Committee organized the 27th annual Father's House Dinner. This charitable event helps homeless men. Nearly twenty volunteers, members of the JBM and the judiciary, were on hand to give generously of their time.
Members of the judiciary and young lawyers mobilized to serve hot meals to over 250 homeless men, and to chat with them over dessert. A free legal clinic was also offered on site by young lawyer volunteers.
La Maison du Père is an organization dedicated to helping homeless men. As such, it welcomes nearly one hundred and fifty destitute people every day, offering them hygiene services, meals and much more. Thanks to the public's support, the Maison du Père is more than just a shelter for eating and sleeping. It's a place for referrals and social reintegration.It's a place for referral and social reintegration; it's a variety of housing options, including a residence for street-involved seniors; it's a housing maintenance team to prevent aIt's a nearby care service, including a convalescence and palliative care wing, to create a bridge between the health network and the disaffiliated person.
Thanks to all members of the Magistrature and the JBM for their generous participation, and to our sponsors, Les Aliments Cardinal, Les producteurs et productrices acéricoles du Québec, Les Producteurs de pommes de terre du Québec, Le Syndicat des éleveurs de porcs de Lanaudière-Outaouais-Laurentides, Krispy Kernels & Ola Bamboo!