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38th edition of the Clinique juridique téléphonique, the JBM takes action for the people of Quebec

07 April 2022 Press release

38th Telephone Legal Clinic
The JBM takes action for the people of Quebec

Montreal, April 7, 2021 - The Young Bar Association of Montreal's (JBM) Telephone Legal Clinic is back for its 38th edition. On April 23 and 24, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., citizens can receive free legal advice over the phone from volunteer lawyers and notaries. This toll-free service for Quebecers is organized by the JBM, in partnership with the Quebec Bar and the CAIJ.

A free legal service eagerly awaited by the public
This well-established appointment is well attended every year: last year, over 4,000 calls from the public were received and processed as part of this initiative. The most frequently asked questions concern the family, good neighborliness, consumption of goods, work and estate management. Instigator of the project, the JBM has been offering this service twice a year since 2018, with the support of over a hundred volunteer lawyers and the collaboration of the Jeune Barreau de Québec (JBQ) and the Association des Jeunes Barreaux de Région (AJBR).

Emphasis on prevention and solutions
As well as offering free legal advice, the clinic also aims to inform citizens about the various means of prevention and settlement available to them. This is the central theme of this edition, for the fourth time running. Indeed, recourse to participatory justice, through conciliation or mediation, makes it possible to prevent conflicts or resolve them more easily, hence the importance of promoting these recourses.

Call the JBM Telephone Legal Clinic to find out about your rights,
your obligations and the solutions available to you to prevent or resolve your disputes.
It's free and open to everyone!

April 23 and 24, 2022
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Call this number: 1 844 779 6232

" Improving access to justice is one of JBM's two fundamental missions. The commitment we have made since 2018 to offer two free telephone legal clinics per year to all litigants in Quebec shows that young lawyers are key players in this field. Raising awareness of alternative dispute resolution methods is essential, and we're delighted to contribute to this ," Me Mathieu Jacques, president of JBM.

"We salute the 38th edition of the JBM Telephone Legal Clinic! As improving access to justice is a priority for the Quebec Bar, we are proud to support this activity, which enables citizens to obtain free legal information and advice. For many years now, we have also been encouraging the use of participatory justice, an accessible and satisfactory way of resolving disputes," says Catherine Claveau, Bâtonnière du Québec.

"What an honor it is for the CAIJ to participate again this year in the JBM's Clinique juridique téléphonique! More than ever present at the heart of the legal community, the CAIJ wishes to highlight the work of the entire JBM team, whose dedication will enable the public to get the straight goods on their rights and obligations, free of charge. It is with great enthusiasm that we will once again share our know-how and infrastructures with the lawyers who generously agree to collaborate on this event." Me Nancy J. Trudel, CAIJ Executive Director.

About the JBM
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less, with over 5,000 members. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold. On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members. On the other, it provides pro bono legal advice and information to various segments of the population, and organizes charitable activities. Overall, it aims to improve access to justice and contribute to the collective well-being. The JBM offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice. To find out more, visit

Mélissa Etienne, Communications and Public Relations Manager
Young Bar Association of Montreal

Information and interviews:
France Gaignard
514 616-7705 -