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Notice of JBM 2021 Annual General Meeting

03 February 2021 News


The members of the Young Bar of Montreal (JBM) are invited to attend its next Annual General Meeting, to be held on Thursday, May 27, 2021, starting atstarting at 5:30 p.m., at the Vieux-Port Steakhouse, Salle Mont-Royal*, located at 39, rue St-Paul Est, in Montreal. The agenda is as follows

1. Call to order

2. Reading of notice of meeting and adoption of agenda

3. Adoption of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on May 21, 2020

4. Receipt of financial statements for fiscal 2020-2021

5. Appointment of auditors for fiscal 2021-2022

6. Tabling of the annual report of the President and Directors

7. Ratification of actions taken by the Board of Directors during fiscal 2020-2021

8. Announcement of election results

9. Word from the President-elect for fiscal 2021-2022

10. miscellaneous

11. adjournment

JBM Bylaws

Notice of Annual General Meeting including agenda and notice of election

JBM members will then have the opportunity to ask any pertinent questions regarding the directors' report, the financial statements or the affairs of the JBM. Only voting members have the right to submit a proposal to the General Meeting. The text of any proposal by a voting member on a subject not already on the agenda must be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer at least five days before the meeting.

Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021

Place: Vieux-Port Steakhouse - Salle Mont-Royal | 39, rue St-Paul Est, Montréal* Reception Hall

Time: starting at 5:30 p.m.

Cost: free and open to all

For more information, contact Stéphanie Beaulieu, General Manager(

*or in virtual mode depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Quebec.