
Appointment of 2021-2022 Board members
The Young Bar Association of Montreal (JBM) is pleased to announce the inauguration of its acclaimed Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 term. At its Annual General Meeting, held virtually on May 27, 2021, the JBM's new Board of Directors officially took office. Mathieu Jacques, Bernard Roy (Justice-Québec), spoke for the first time as President.
Act boldly!
The new president proudly embarks on his mandate for the 123rd year of the JBM.Mr. Jacques enthusiastically addressed the online audience, reminding them of the importance for the JBM and its members to distinguish themselves by acting boldly. "The actions of the next mandate will be built around three axes: promoting the role of young lawyers in access to justice, the technological and ecological development of the JBM, and the expansion of links between our members and the opportunities open to them. ".Mr. Jacques promises a 2021-2022 term under the banner of advocacy, innovation and empowerment. Particularly in view of the repercussions of the COVID-19 context, he is "convinced that together we will act boldly".
15 acclaimed members officially take office
In addition toMs. Jacques, who takes over as President,Ms. Alexandra Paquette, Surprenant Magloé Paquette Avocats, begins her term as Vice-President. Mylène Lemieux, Cisco Systems Canada Co. will serve as Past President for the 2021-2022 term. The Secretary-Treasurer will be appointed from among the elected members.
The directors taking office for the 2021-2022 term are as follows:
- Me Catherine Boutin, Legal Aid of Montreal
- Laurence Camille, Cedac Avocats
- Me Andrée-Anne Dion, Shadley Bien-Aimé, s.e.n.c.
- Me Marie Flambard, Société d'Habitation et Développement de Montréal
- Me Nareg Froundjian, Deloitte Legal Canada, Cabinet d'avocats sencrl
- Me Jeanne Gagné, Aide Juridique de Montréal
- Me Vinh Nguyen, Bordelais Nguyen, S.N.A.
- Me Gabrielle O'Reilly Patry, Mélanie Chaperon, lawyer
- Me Gabrielle Robert, Bernard, Roy (Justice-Québec)
- Me Joey Suri, Gowling WLG (Canada )
- Me Adam Villeneuve, Revenu Québec - Direction principale des poursuites pénales
Second all-virtual Annual General Meeting
For the second year running, the JBM held its Annual General Meeting entirely virtually. "For over a year, the COVID-19 context has led the JBM to reinvent itself and push back its limits. This AGM marks the realization of a unique, inspiring and memorable mandate for our association," says Stéphanie Beaulieu, General Manager of the JBM. "As Executive Director, I'm proud of the interest generated by our adapted activities over the past year, and enthusiastic about the results.As Executive Director, I'm proud of the interest generated by our adapted activities over the past year, and enthusiastic about the initiatives that will follow in the future," concludesMs. Beaulieu.
The Young Bar of Montreal
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers with ten years' practice or less in Montreal - over 5,000 members. These young lawyers work in all areas of law, making their mark professionally. They are the next generation of lawyers, both nationally and internationally. They form an influential group, involved in the community, and are destined to become leaders in all spheres of society. When it comes to public affairs, the JBM's mandate is to position itself as a key player in the popularization of current legislation.
For further information, please contact
Joannie Tremblay | Communications and Public Relations Coordinator | 514.954.6936 |