
Appointment of 2022-2023 Board members
Montreal, May 27, 2022 - On the heels of its Annual General Meeting, the Young Bar of Montreal is pleased to announce the inauguration of the directors elected by acclamation for the 2022-2023 term. Me Alexandra Paquette, Surprenant Magloé Paquette Avocats, spoke for the first time as President to the members gathered for the occasion at the Auberge Saint-Gabriel.
Become a master of kindness!
It is with determination that the new president embarks on her mandate for the 124th year of the JBM. Her first speech, full of benevolence, reflected the tone she wishes to set for her term of office, encouraging the legal community "to understand, empathize and forgive others and ourselves". Ms. Paquette outlined the three main thrusts of her program: a dual mission in the service of diversity and inclusion, the defence of members' interests in the service of the profession, and the role of young lawyers in the service of access to justice.
"During this mandate, we will place diversity and inclusion at the heart of our activities. Inspired by the boldness of the previous mandate, we will position ourselves as an anti-racist player. "She also affirmed that, after "more than two years of navigating through multiple government and health measures related to the COVID mie de la COVID-19, psychological distress must be a priority and central topic within the legal community". Finally, she pointed out that "young lawyers in the profession are the bearers of hope!
15 acclaimed members officially take office
In addition to Alexandra Paquette, elected President, Joey Suri, Gowling WLG, begins his term as Vice President. Me Mathieu Jacques, Bernard, Roy (Justice-Québec), will serve as Past President for the 2022-2023 term. The Secretary-Treasurer will be appointed from among the elected members.
The directors taking office for the 2022-2023 term are as follows:
- Catherine Boutin, Legal Aid of Montreal,
- Me Andrée-Anne Dion, Shadley Bien-Aimé,
- Sophie Estienne, Sylvestre Painchaud et associés,
- Me Marie Flambard, Société d'Habitation et Développement de Montréal,
- Me Nareg Froundjian, Deloitte Legal Canada Cabinet d'avocats,
- Me Jeanne Gagné, Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions,
- Alexandra Haiduc, Sarrazin Plourde,
- Gaëlle Obadia, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin,
- Me Gabrielle O'Reilly Patry, Mélanie Chaperon, lawyer,
- Me Ali Sbai, Sbai Avocats,
- Me Maria-Christina Sorbo-Mayrand, Gasco Goodhue St-Germain,
- Me Fady Toban, Langlois avocats.
The return of the Annual General Meeting in person
For the first time since 2019, the Annual General Meeting was held in person, after two editions organized virtually due to the health situation. "What a pleasure to be able to bring our members together and organize a formal ceremony in a venue conducive to exchanges! After more than two years marked by the COVID-19 crisis, during which the JBM demonstrated its ability to adapt, I'm proud of how far we've come and the resilience we've shown. "Élizabeth Ménard Laberge, Executive Director of the Young Bar of Montreal.
The Young Bar of Montreal
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers with ten years' practice or less in Montreal - over 5,000 members. These young lawyers work in all areas of law, making their mark professionally. They are the next generation of lawyers, both nationally and internationally. They form an influential group, committed to the community, and are destined to become leaders in all spheres of society. When it comes to public affairs, the JBM's mandate is to position itself as a key player in the popularization of current legislation.
For further information, please contact
Mélissa Etienne | Communications and Public Relations Manager | 514.954.6936 |