
Virtual Final - Prix de l'Orateur & English Oratory Competition 2021: the winners are...
The JBM would like to congratulate the winners of the Orator's Award and the English Oratory Competition 2021.
A video from our major partner, Desjardins, unveiling the winners has been posted on our Facebook page! We invite you to watch it.
Prix de l'Orateur Francophone 2021 (French-speaking section)
Me Kloé Sévigny, Fonds d'aide aux actions collectives, took first place in the French-language category, answering the question: " Faut-il être beau pour être un bon plaideur? "
Ms. Sévigny will have the pleasure of representing the Montreal Bar at the Prix Paris-Montréal, to be held in September as part of the Rentrée des tribunaux montréalais. Provided the context permits, she will also have the opportunity to represent the Bar of Montreal at the International Conference of Bar Associations' Concours international d'art oratoire.Concours international d'art oratoire de la Conférence Internationale des Barreaux de tradition juridique commune (CIB) organized in partnership with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in Africa in December 2021.
The JBM also highlights the excellent performance of the speaker who took 2nd place in the French-language competition: Me Abla Maglo, Heritt Avocats .
2021 English Oratory Competition (English-language section)
As for the English Oratory Competition, it is Mtre Benjamin Wilner, Shadley Bien-Aimé, who managed to woo the Jury with her eloquent speech on: " To pick up or not pick up the check? "
He will have the honor of representing the YBM at the International Debate Championship, in Montreal, during the opening of the Courts ceremonies. Mtre Wilner will also, subject to the context allowing, represent the YBM at the American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division's (ABA-YLD) International Oratory Competition which will take place during the Spring Conference.
The YBM also underlines the performance of the speaker who won the 2nd place: Mtre Vivan Nguyen, Devichy Avocats.
The JBM would also like to thank the members of the Jury for their humorous and rigorous participation in this entirely virtual final of the mooting competitions.
Jury Chair: The Honourable Christine Baudouin, Québec Court of Appeal Judge
Jury co-chair:Me Bernard Amyot, Ad. E., Chair-ACTL- Quebec Province Committee
Ms. Catherine Claveau, Bâtonnière du Québec, Barreau du Québec
Ms. Julie Mousseau, First Councillor, Barreau de Montréal
Me Mathieu Jacques, President, Young Bar Association of Montreal
Me Anne-Sophie Laframboise, Winner of the 2020 Speaker's Award
Me Patrycja Nowakowska, Winner of the English Oratory Competition 2020
Finally, a special thank you to Me Julien Grenier, Lapointe Rosenstein Marchand Melançon, s.e.n.c.r.l , who acted as presenter, and Me Laurence Camille, JBM Administrator in charge of the Organizing Committee, who acted as Master of Ceremonies.
The JBM would like to thank its major partner, without whom this event would not have been such a success:
Our partner presented the winners with $100 gift certificates!