
Happy 123rd anniversary to the Young Bar of Montreal!
The Young Bar Association of Montreal (JBM) celebrates its 123rd anniversary today! Since November 4, 1898, the JBM has been an active member of the legal community, constantly evolving to fulfill its dual mission. In this year of constant adaptation, the JBM wishes to acknowledge and thank all those who, in one way or another, contribute to the organization's success.
This 123rd anniversary is being celebrated not only with a new strategic plan, but also with the arrival of a new general management team!A special THANK YOU goes out to all the dedicated members and volunteers who take part in our activities. Thanks to you, the JBM continues to be creative and dynamic in developing its various activities. Your active participation is at the heart of the JBM and its daily activities, and we thank you for your involvement in the various committees!
With 123 years of wisdom, but also daring, the JBM would like to acknowledge the important contribution of the past presidents and directors who are part of what the JBM has become today. Thank you for your great contribution to the JBM family!
The JBM would also like to extend a special thank you to its partners, who continue to drive the JBM forward and contribute to its success.
The JBM brings together lawyers with ten years' practice or less who are members of the Montreal section of the Quebec Bar, a total of over 5,000 members. Year after year, the JBM strives to defend and promote the interests of its members, while remaining attentive to current legal issues. It also strives to improve access to justice by making considerable efforts to offer free legal services to the public.
The JBM thanks you for your involvement and dedication!