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The JBM, JBQ and AJBR join forces to demand better access to justice from elected officials at the National Assembly

26 November 2021 Press release

The Jeune Barreau de Montréal (JBM) and the Jeune Barreau de Québec (JBQ), supported by the Association des Jeunes Barreaux de Région (AJBR) (hereinafter "Jeunes Barreaux") met with various elected representatives of the National Assembly to put forward their demands for access to justice. Indeed, the Jeunes Barreaux have joined forces to call for the creation of a National Day for Access to Justice, as well as the creation of a new tax deduction for individuals to promote their access to justice by offsetting a portion of the fees they incur to obtain a legal opinion.We are also calling for the creation of a new tax deduction for individuals, to facilitate their access to justice by compensating them for a portion of the fees they have incurred to obtain a legal opinion or to be represented before judicial and administrative tribunals.

The Jeunes Barreaux believe it would be beneficial for Quebec society to collectively give itself a point of reflection each year to make justice more accessible to Quebecers. Following the example of France, which introduced a national day of access to the law on May 25 in 2017, the Jeunes Barreaux believe that it is necesQuebec to designate a National Day for Access to Justice, and proposes that this day also be held on May 25.

In this sense, the creation of a national day on this theme is important for several reasons:

  • mark the attachment of the Quebec population to the essential value of justice in a democracy and the rule of law;
  • provide an opportunity to introduce the public at large to the multitude of governmental and non-profit organizations working in the legal field; and
  • to enable elected officials and the legal community to take stock of the progress made over the past year, and to formulate common objectives for the year ahead.

In addition, the Jeunes Barreaux would like to simplify access to justice for citizens by allowing them to deduct from their taxes a portion of the fees they incur to be represented and advised, as businesses can do. An amount to be determined could serve as a ceiling for the allowable tax deduction. The Jeunes Barreaux suggest a maximum annual amount of $15,000, which symbolically corresponds to the current monetary threshold for the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Division of the Court of Quebec.

The Jeunes Barreaux are convinced that this measure would make a tangible improvement to access to justice. The first beneficiary would be the litigant, whose bargaining position would be significantly improved when he or she finds himself or herself in a dispute with a company or public body.

It is therefore with vigor that the Jeunes Barreaux are calling on the Quebec government to take action, not only by establishing a National Day for Access to Justice, but also by creating a new tax deduction to promote access to justice, particularly for the middle class.a new tax deduction to promote access to justice, particularly for the middle class, so that they can be supported in asserting their help them claim their rights.

Founded in 1914, the JBQ represents all lawyers with ten years' practice or less in the judicial districts of Quebec City, Beauce and Montmagny, and today boasts over 1,500 members. Its mission is to promote and defend the interests of its members. It plays an active role in the vitality of the legal community in the Greater Quebec City area, through a multitude of initiatives. These include the organization of several training and social events, the publication of the Proforma newsletter and the setting up of social projects.

The AJBR was founded in 1997. It represents the regional associations of young bars, as well as the 2,600 lawyers with ten (10) years of practice or less, from all regions of Quebec, with the exception of Montreal and Quebec City. Its mission is to promote and defend the interests of its members, while establishing permanent links between the various sections. As such, it fosters consultation and concerted action among regional associations, while providing them with support and input on various province-wide projects .

Founded in 1898, the JBM represents lawyers practicing ten years or less in Montreal, with over 5,000 members. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold. On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members. On the other, it provides pro bono legal advice and information to different segments of the population, and organizes charitable activities. Overall, it aims to improve access to justice and contribute to the collective well-being. The JBM offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice.


For further information, please contact

Élizabeth Ménard-Laberge | General Manager, JBM | 514 954-3498 |