
The Legal.IT 2022 Conference: a successful 15th edition
The Legal.IT 2022 Conference:
a successful 15th edition
The 15th edition of Legal.IT, one of Canada's leading conferences on the impact of information technology and its potential for law, took place on Thursday March 31 and Friday April1. Over 150 participants were on hand to listen to renowned panelists discuss cutting-edge topics. All conferences are available for replay until April 22, enabling participants to accumulate up to 11 hours of continuing education. Registration is still open!
Legal.IT 2022, key figures
11 conferences, 3 interactive workshops, 45 panellists
11 hours of continuing training available until April 22
Over 70 people gathered in person for the closing cocktail party
A prestigious guest of honour
Once again, the Jeune Barreau would like to thank EloïseGratton, Partner and National Co-Head of Privacy at BLG, for her presence at the conference as guest of honour. She kicked off the event with a keynote speech on the theme of privacy, echoing the keynote address on the theme of privacy.e, echoing the presentation she gave almost 10 years ago when she first attended Legal.IT, in 2013. The speech can be found here.
A quality connected event with a networking theme
Once again this year, this 100% virtual event took place on an intelligent online platform. As part of its commitment to quality content, the Young Bar of Montreal called on the services of Solotech to record most of its conferences.rences and benefited from a professional studio for filming its conferences, all under the aegis of a team of audiovisual en audiovisuel.
All participants had the opportunity to complete their own profiles, consult those of others and browse the booths of the event's partners and exhibitors. Live chats during the conferences, networking breaks and dinners, the organization of three interactive workshops, and the presence of a space dedicated to smart sofas, all enabled participants to interact and build constructive exchanges.
An event available for replay
Once again this year, it's still possible to register and/or view all the lectures again, until April 22, 2022. Over 11 hours of continuing education is now just a few clicks away. Registration is still online, on the JBM website.
The return of the trendy cocktail
The trendy cocktail party brings the event to a close in style every year. It was particularly eagerly awaited at this year's event, as it was held face-to-face for the first time since 2019. Over 70 people gathered at the Société des arts technologiques de Montréal to meet in a convivial environment conducive to exchanges.
The JBM would like to thank all its partners and event sponsors:
Major JBM partners: CAIJ, Groupe Lafortune, Juris Concept, Soquij.
Gold sponsor: Fasken
Sponsors: Deloitte, Stikeman Elliott, Mondata, Attestata, Dilitrust
Service sponsors: Émilie Pelletier - Photographer, Solotech.
The JBM would also like to thank all the participants, the members of the CTI and the general management team who contributed to the resounding success of this second 100% virtual edition of Legal.IT!
See you next year for the 16th edition of Legal.IT!
For further information, please contact Mélissa Etienne | Communications and Public Relations Manager | 514.954.6936 |