
Unveiling of the acclaimed members of the Young Bar of Montreal for the 2021-2022 mandate
Montreal, May 7, 2021 - The Young Bar Association of Montreal (JBM) today announced the list of members elected by acclamation for the 2021-2022 term. This year, the number of applications received being equivalent to the number of positions available, all candidates having submitted their application by May 6, 2021 are declared elected by acclamation.
The 14 candidates elected by acclamation for the 2021-2022 term will take office at the JBM'sVirtual Annual General Meeting on May 27 at 5:30 pm.
"As election chair, I am pleased to declare elected by acclamation the president, vice-president and 12 directors of the JBM who will sit on the JBM Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 term. I look forward to making the official announcement at the Virtual Annual General Meeting," says Caroline Larouche, election chair of the JBM 2021.
15 accessible, dynamic and committed young lawyers
The JBM is proud to announce thatMe Mathieu Jacques, Bernard, Roy (Justice-Québec), has been elected by acclamation as President of the JBM. Alexandra Paquette, Surprenant Magloé Paquette Avocats, was acclaimed to the position of vice-president for the 2021-2022 term, which begins May 27, 2021.For her part, Me Mylène Lemieux, Cisco Systems Canada Co, will act as Past President.
This year, 12 members applied to fill the 12 available director positions. "We see a great deal of continuity in the involvement of the dedicated and committed directors of the 2020-2021 term, while at the same time adding to the team of dynamic volunteers who have been participating in JBM committees for several of dynamic volunteers who have been participating in JBM committees for several years," says Stéphanie Beaulieu, JBM General Manager.
The JBM is proud to announce the 12 directors elected by acclamation for the 12 JBM director positions for the 2021-2022 term:
- Me Catherine Boutin, Legal Aid of Montreal
- Laurence Camille, Cedac Avocats
- Me Andrée-Anne Dion, Shadley Bien-Aimé, s.e.n.c.
- Me Marie Flambard, Société d'Habitation et Développement de Montréal
- Me Nareg Froundjian, Deloitte Legal Canada, Cabinet d'avocats sencrl
- Me Jeanne Gagné, Aide Juridique de Montréal
- Me Vinh Nguyen, Bordelais Nguyen, S.N.A.
- Me Gabrielle O'Reilly Patry, Mélanie Chaperon, lawyer
- Me Gabrielle Robert, Bernard, Roy (Justice-Québec)
- Me Joey Suri, Gowling WLG (Canada )
- Me Adam Villeneuve, Revenu Québec - Direction principale des poursuites pénales
To find out more about each member, visit the JBM website's list of acclaimed members for the 2021-2022 term.
"Such representativeness, stability and diversity on the Board of Directors is synonymous with sound governance practices, and enables us to better serve the interests of all our members.interests of all our members, especially after the current mandate in which all JBM activities were rethought," explains StéphanieBeaulieu.
The JBM invites its members to get involved
The JBM would like to mention that your acclaimed representatives for the 2021-2022 term will be an accessible, dynamic and committed team with the interests of the JBM and its members at heart. They will be attentive to your needs and creative in supporting you with bold, innovative ideas. The JBM invites you to get involved in its committees and inspire the changes needed in the legal community.
"We would like to thank all those elected by acclamation for their involvement. Whether it's their first term or their next, their accessibility, dynamism and commitment will enable the JBM to shine in a creative and supportive manner with and through its members," concludes Stéphanie Beaulieu.
The Young Bar of Montreal
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers with ten years' practice or less in Montreal - over 5,000 members. These young lawyers work in all areas of law, making their mark professionally. They are the next generation of lawyers, both nationally and internationally. They form an influential group, involved in the community, and are destined to become leaders in all spheres of society. When it comes to public affairs, the JBM's mandate is to position itself as a key player in the popularization of current legislation.
For further information, please contact
Joannie Tremblay | Communications and Public Relations Coordinator | 514.954.6936 |