
Elections 2021 at the Bar of Montreal: Me Extra Junior Laguerre elected Bâtonnier of Montreal
The Young Bar of Montreal (JBM) welcomes the election by acclamation ofMe Extra Junior Laguerre as Bâtonnier of the Bar of Montreal for the 2021-2022 term.
A member of the JBM Board of Directors since 2013 and President of the JBM in 2016-2017,Me Laguerre has been an ardent defender of the interests of young lawyers. During his term as President, he lobbied for the implementation of the recommendations of the Rapport sur la situation de l'emploi chez les jeunes avocats du Québec and oversaw the launch of the JBM Report on Quebec's legal aid system, which highlighted the needs expressed by lawyers in private practice regarding the system's operation.e.s in private practice accepting legal aid mandates.
In addition to his exemplary professional record,Me Laguerre made history as the first black lawyer to be elected President of the JBM, and is now repeating this inspiring moment in history as Bâtonnier de Montréal. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Montreal Bar under his baton to further promote the interests of our members and provide pro bono legal services to the public.
The JBM thanks the outgoing Bâtonnière,Me Robin Schiller, for her collaboration during the past year, which was marked by the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, and wishesMe Laguerre every success for her term of office.
"The JBM is particularly proud to learn thatMe Extra Junior Laguerre has won the confidence of the members of the Bar of Montreal. I had the pleasure of serving my first term on the JBM Board of Directors under Extra's presidency. Thanks to his exceptional leadership qualities and passion for social involvement, many JBM members and I were inspired to get involved in the legal community," says Mylène Lemieux, President of the JBM.
The JBM would also like to congratulate MylèneLemieux and Sabine Uwitonze on their election by acclamation to the Montreal Bar Council as Secretary and Representative of the JBM respectively.
The Young Bar Association of Montreal
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together over 5,000 members of the Montreal Bar who have been practicing for ten years or less. These young lawyers work in all areas of the law, making their mark professionally. They are the next generation of lawyers, both nationally and internationally. They form an influential group, engaged in the community, and are called upon to become leaders in all spheres of society. When it comes to public affairs, the JBM's mandate is to position itself as a key player in the popularization of current legislation.
For further information, please contact
Joannie Tremblay | Communications and Public Relations Coordinator | 514 954-6936 |