
The Legal.IT 2021 Conference: a reinvented formula for a successful 100% virtual experience!
The 14th edition of the Young Bar of Montreal's (JBM) Legal.IT Conference was held in a 100% virtual format on March 25 and 26, 2021. Over 300 people attended this event, one of the country's leading conferences on the impact of information technology and its potential for the law. Our guest of honor, Mr. Éric Caire, Minister responsible for Access to Information and Privacy & Minister responsible for Government Digital Transformation, gave a keynote speech on the protection of personal information .
A reinvented formula for an unmissable conference despite the distance
The JBM created an unprecedented event in the Quebec legal community, and a first intelligent community experience with the Legal.IT community.
The Legal.IT 2021 Conference formula has been completely redesigned: interactive platform available for one month (March 25 to April 25, 2021), chat or videoconference discussions with leaders in the IT field, pre-recorded and live conferences filmed in a professional studio, live interactions with speakers.The event also included 6 hours of continuing education (with the possibility of accumulating 16) and much more! In addition to viewing and commenting live on the various conferences, participants were able to chat with exhibitors present during the event, enter several contests to win prizes (some contests are still running) and network informally with other attendees.
Networking opportunities abounded, even virtually! The concept of networking dinners was completely revisited. Attendees had the chance to choose one of the round tables according to their interests, and chat, camera and open mic, while making new connections. As for the Cocktail Branché, various speakers shared their experiences and invited participants to do the same. It was a relaxed, virtual evening of sharing experiences and anecdotes.
Here are just a few of the lectures on offer:
- An opening plenary onthree-dimensional perspectiveson privacy reform in Quebec, moderated by Me Hélène Deschamps Marquis , with panelists Minister Caire, Me Jennifer Stoddart and Me Nicolas Vermeys.
- A bilingual panel on the role and impact of technology on legal education, by Mr. Pierre-Luc Déziel and Dr. Avner Levin, moderated byMe Katarina Daniels.
- A conference on the challenges of cryptoasset issuance and trading byMe Marylise Caron;
- A panel discussion on the challenges facing technology companies and the legal services (and more) they require, withMes Catherine Ouellet-Dupuis & Frédérique Lissoir, moderated byMe Téodora Niculae;
- Own What you Say you Own: Chain of Title of IP in Videogames and Software, by Michael Short;
- And much more!
Didn't get a chance to attend, or does a colleague regret missing the event? It's not too late! You have until April 19, 2021 to register and earn up to 16 hours of continuing education!
Consult the official program and register!
Another plus: some JBM partners are offering bonus activities during the month of April! Register and visit the Live Space platform to find out more.
The JBM would like to thank its partners and event sponsors:
JBM partners :
- CAIJ - Our official legal information partner;
- Juris Concept;
- MNP.
Sponsors of Legal.IT 2021:
- Lexis Nexis - Gold Sponsor;
- Fasken - Silver Sponsor;
- Notarius;
- Dilitrust;
- Edilex;
- Legal Suite;
- MinuteBox.
Service sponsors :
The JBM would also like to thank all participants, CTI members and the general management team who contributed to the resounding success of this first 100% virtual edition of Legal.IT!
Stay tuned for photos of the event on our Facebook page this afternoon!