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Alarming findings from the National Study on the Determinants of Psychological Health among Canadian Legal Professionals

10 November 2022 Press release

The Young Bar Association of Montreal (JBM) has learned of the National Study of the Determinants of Psychological Health of Legal Professionals in Canada (the Study), published on November 1, 2022.

The purpose of the Study, which surveyed more than 7,300 Canadian legal professionals, is to shed light on the health and well-being issues facing the Canadian legal community.

The JBM is concerned by several of the findings of the Study concerning its members. According to the Study, legal professionals under the age ofunder 40 or with less than 10 years' experience are among the groups most at risk of experiencing psychological distress, burnout and anxiety and depressive symptoms.

In addition, junior lawyers are particularly exposed to incivility, unsolicited sexual advances and workplace bullying. The sense of isolation felt by young lawyers was also highlighted in the Study, as was the significant proportion intending to leave the profession.

The JBM looks forward to the recommendations made by the authors of the Study in Phase II, which will be carried out in the course of 2023. In the meantime, in 2021, the JBM has set up a consultative table on psychological health issues in the legal profession, with stakeholders from the field. A campaign to raise awareness of discrimination is also underway, and is the subject of publications in each edition of ExtraJudiciaire.

It is essential to raise awareness among members of the profession, including employers, of the ever-increasing issues of well-being in the workplace, and to remind them of the existence of resources such as the Programme d'aide aux membres du Barreau du Québec(PAMBA) .

In fact, one of the priorities of the 2022-2023 JBM presidency is to destigmatize the issues of psychological distress within our profession.

About the JBM

Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less.
5,000 members, representing one-third of the lawyers called to the Montreal Bar. It is therefore
one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city.
city alone. Its mission is twofold. First, it defends and promotes the interests of its members.
members. On the other hand, it provides legal information services to the public on a pro bono basis.
and offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice.
In August 2021, the association was awarded the Lieutenant-Governor's Medal for Exceptional Merit.
exceptional merit, "in recognition of the remarkable dynamism shown by [its] members
in the ongoing pursuit of collective well-being". To find out more about our commitments
please visit the Public Services section of our website: http: //

Press contact

Adam Alaoui | Communications and Public Relations Manager

514 954-6936 | |