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The Young Bars of Quebec mobilize
Free legal advice for all on April 20 and 21!

09 April 2024 Press release

Montreal, February 21, 2024 - TheJeune Barreau de Montréal ( "JBM"), theJeune Barreau de Québec ( "JBQ") and theAssociation des jeunes barreaux de région ( "AJBR") (collectively "Les Jeunes barreaux du Québec") are mobilizing from January 19 to 21 as part of the Rencontres Action Jeunesse ("RAJ"), Force Jeunesse's flagship event. Over the course of three intensive days, the young barristers will take part in a number of training activities in public and government relations, but above all will have the opportunity to meet with public office holders from different parties to share with them some of the concerns of young Quebec lawyers, as well as some possible solutions.

The Young Bars of Quebec are joining forces to share their concerns about four major issues.

The right to disconnect
Last year, a survey commissioned by theJeune Barreau de Québec revealed that 70% of respondents and members of the Jeunes barreaux du Québec reported feeling pressure to stay connected outside normal working hours. For the vast majority of respondents, disconnection policies are non-existent in their organizations. In response to the results of its survey, the Jeunes barreaux du Québec are joining forces to call on the government to legislate, in particular to affirm the right to disconnect for all employees in the province of Quebec, and to ensure that all employees have the right to disconnect.s in the province of Quebec, and to make it mandatory for employers to adopt a policy on disconnection, following the example of Ontario and certain European countries such as France and Belgium.

Legal aid tariff reform
The Jeunes barreaux du Québec are also rallying to denounce the government's inaction and lack of flexibility during negotiations on legal aid tariff reform. Despite the sustained efforts of the Comité indépendant sur les tarifs d'aide juridique (CITAJ) to reach a consensus, the government persists in its refusal to implénecessary changes to guarantee access to justice for all Quebecers.

Tax credit for legal fees
In the interests of access to justice, the Jeunes barreaux du Québec are joining forces with the Barreau du Québec to call on the government to implement a tax credit for legal fees. This would enable the population, especially the middle class, who do not have access to legal aid, to benefit from measures designed to reduce the costs inherent in legal representation and thus promote access to justice.

Security in courthouses
Last but not least, the Jeunes barreaux will be campaigning hard to impress upon the government the need to increase security in Quebec courthouses, following the example of Montreal. Unlike the metropolis, the rest of Quebec does not have access to adequate courthouse security. This recently led to a violent attack on an interpreter in Longueuil, who was targeted because he was a member of the judiciary. This situation could inevitably have been avoided with adequate courthouse security.

Over the next few days, the Jeunes barreaux du Québec will be working together to meet with various elected officials to raise the profile of these pressing issues affecting Quebec's legal community.

Présidents des Jeunes Barreaux du QuébecGroup photo, from left to right: Me Joey Suri, President of the Jeune Barreau de Montréal, Me Frédérique Earls-Bélanger, President of the Association des Jeunes Barreaux de Région, and Me Gabriel Dumais, President of the Jeune Barreau de Québec.

About JBM

Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practising in Montreal for ten years or less - over 6,000 members, representing one-third of the lawyers called to the Montreal Bar. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold. On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members. Secondly, it provides legal information services to the public on a pro bono basis, and offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice. To find out more about our commitments to the public, visit the Services to the public section of our website:

Information and interviews:

Christina Solodukhin | 514 954-6936 | |

Communications and Public Relations Manager

Young Bar Association of Montreal