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Legal advice, dispute prevention and resolution: the JBM Telephone Legal Clinic is there for Quebecers!

12 April 2021 Press release

To answer the legal questions of Quebecers, the Young Bar Association of Montreal's (JBM) Telephone Legal Clinic is back for its 36th edition! On April 24 and 25, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., volunteer lawyers will be at the end of the line to provide citizens with free legal advice over the phone, as well as information on the various dispute prevention and resolution methods available to them. The JBM is setting up this toll-free service in partnership with the Barreau du Québec and the CAIJ.

Second edition focuses on dispute prevention and resolution

Whether through conciliation or mediation, the use of participatory justice helps to resolve a number of issues, as well as relieving the pressure on the legal system. Indeed, "a creative, participatory solution may be the best way to resolve a conflict, depending on the situation. Lawyers are business partners who can support and guide a person towards solutions adapted to his or her case. In a spirit of solidarity, volunteers will be on hand to provide information on various conflict prevention and resolution methods, and to answer legal questions on April 24 and 25," saysMylène Lemieux, President of the JBM.

Call us to find out about your rights and obligations, and the solutions
to prevent or resolve your disputes.
It's free and it's for you!

WHAT: Telephone legal clinic

WHO: Young Bar Association of Montreal (JBM)

WHEN: April 24 and 25, 2021, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

COMMENT: 1 844 779-6232

A free legal service for the public

The instigator of the project, the JBM has been offering this service twice a year since 2018 with the support of over a hundred volunteer lawyers and the collaboration of the Jeune Barreau de Québec and the Association des Jeunes Barreaux de Région (AJBR). Over 3,000 calls from citizens were received as part of this initiative in the course of 2020. The most frequently asked questions include concerns related to family, good neighborliness, consumption of goods, work and estate management.

"The Barreau du Québec is pleased to partner once again with the JBM Legal Clinic," says Paul-Matthieu Grondin, Bâtonnier du Québec. "The Bar supports participatory justice, which saves time and money, as well as the stress of a potential court appearance. In addition, participatory justice maximizes the parties' chances of obtaining a high level of satisfaction with the resolution of their dispute. "It's already been five years since we've had the privilege of lending a hand to this superb initiative, the JBM Telephone Legal Clinic. As a key ally of the legal community, the CAIJ makes a point of sharing its information resources and infrastructures to support the lawyers who generously donate their time during the event," says Nancy J. Trudel, CAIJ Executive Director.

Access to justice

Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less, with over 5,000 members. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold. On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members. On the other, it provides pro bono legal advice and information to various segments of the population, and organizes charitable activities. Overall, it aims to improve access to justice and contribute to the collective well-being. The JBM offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice. To find out more, visit

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Information and interview:
France Gaignard
514 616-7705 -

Source :
Joannie Tremblay
Communications and Public Relations Coordinator
Young Bar Association of Montreal