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The JBM adopts the Declaration for Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion and encourages all members of the legal community to contribute to its implementation.

12 May 2021 Press release

The Young Bar of Montreal (JBM) publishes its Declaration for Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion (the "Declaration") to promote diversity and inclusion within the legal community and contribute to a better representation of lawyers.) in order to promote diversity and inclusion within the legal community and contribute to a better representation of diverse lawyers in the legal profession.e.s from diverse backgrounds in the legal profession.

The JBM, recognizing the existence of racial profiling and systemic discrimination and racism in Quebec[1], is adopting a series of measures aimed at achieving the objectives of the Declaration. The JBM is also aware that its members are among those most concerned by these inequalities, given that the number of years of practice of Quebec lawyers who identify themselves as members of a professional association is among the highest in the country.s identifying themselves as members of an ethnocultural group is significantly lower than the average number of years practiced by members of the Quebec Bar, and that these lawyers generally practice more within the Montreal section[2].

The JBM intends to rapidly implement the concrete actions defined in its Declaration within its organization, such as setting up an anti-racism hotline, taking part in high school tours to provide role models of diversity to young people, and ensuring diversity representation in its events. tours of high schools to provide young people with role models of diversity, and ensuring that its events are representative of diversity.

The JBM invites its members to contribute to the implementation of the Declaration, and is also committed to involving stakeholders in the legal community in the implementation of actions to achieve the Declaration's objectives.

The JBM hopes that these reflections will permeate all organizations.

To find out more, we invite you to consult the Declaration for Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion.

The Young Bar of Montreal

Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less, with over 5,000 members. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold: firstly, to defend and promote the interests of its members. On the other, it provides pro bono legal advice and information to various segments of the population, and organizes charitable activities.Overall, it aims to improve access to justice and contribute to the collective well-being. The JBM offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice.


For further information, please contact

Joannie Tremblay | Communications and Public Relations Coordinator | 514.954.6936 |


[1] "JBM Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement and Reflection on Racial Issues in the Legal Profession," press release, published June 9, 2020,
[2] "Sous la loupe de la diversité 2017, Édition spéciale du Barreau-Mètre, La profession en chiffres", Barreau du Québec,